Hungary draw with Poland for winning the tournament | Handball Planet

Hungary draw with Poland for winning the tournament

In the last match of the preparation tournament in Poland, Hungary and Poland drew- 31:31 (16:16). In front of 4.000 spectators, Hungary took the point for the winning of the tournament, after two wins against Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Poland: Szmal, Wyszomirski – Kuchczyński 6, Tomczak 5, M.Lijewski 4, Jaszka 4, Tkaczyk 3, Żółtak 2, Bielecki 2, Tłuczyński 2, Siódmiak 1, Jurasik 1, Jurkiewicz 1, Grabarczyk.

Hungary: Mikler, Tatai – Toro 5, Ilyes 5, Gal 4, Mocsai 4, Nagy 4, Harsanyi 3, Gulyas 3, Schuch 2, Csarszar 1, Katzirz, Ivansik.

Third place won Slovakia with a win over Czech Republic 30:28.

Hungary 5 (+11)
Poland 5 (+9)
Slovakia 2
Czech Republic 0




  1. Cund Ernő

    11. January 2011. at 13:49

    This must be an old photo. Laszlo Nagy doesn’t play in the national team anymore.

  2. ttt

    9. January 2011. at 20:13

    I from Hungary
    it was great result for hungarian team
    I wish for Poland to win the WC

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