After the losing of the Polish Championship, and rather weak Champions League, and Vive Kielce has decided to make a “cleanup” in the club. This means that many players are not going to be seen playing for the club next season, and that the management is seriously thinking about changing the look of the club.
The players that the club said thanks and goodbye to are Mirza Dzomba, Kazimierz Kotlinski, Witalij Nat, Rafal Glinski, Pawel Podsiadlo, Henrik Knudsen and Krzysztof Szczecina. However the list is not final, and we might see more players being thanked for their service and not planned for the next season. Should this major changing in the club be with positive outcome, we shall see in the upcoming season.
7. June 2011. at 11:38
Thorir Olafsson in Kielce