CSM Bucharest published statement in which explained situation in which club exists in current days forced to practicaly cease deals with all the players:
“The Municipal Sports Club of Bucharest is going through the most difficult period in its history, a situation in which the other sports structures in Romania and around the world are located. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the strategies of all, both individually and collectively.
As a result of the unlimited delay of all sports competitions, decisions taken by the specialized federations, the Municipal Sports Club of Bucharest interrupted the activity of all sections, the health of sportsmen and sports lovers, ours, of all, being in the first place.
We would like to inform you that, considering the Military Ordinances no. 1 and 2/2020, which suspends, among other things, the sports activity, we are obliged by the Ordinance 30/2020 (article XV, paragraph 2) to suspend the sports activity contracts during the state of emergency.
The participants in the sporting activity benefit during the suspension of the sporting activity contracts of a compensation of 75% of the money rights related to the sporting activity provided, but not more than 75% of the gross average salary stipulated by the Law of the State Social Insurance Budget on the year 2020 (issue 6/2020).
The decision will be suspended when the officials lift the state of emergency. Hopefully this will happen as soon as possible.
We must have patience and understanding, we must show maturity, solidarity and, we are sure, we will emerge victorious from this terrible test.”
This 75% percent of average gross salary means about 4.100 lei – 850 EUR.