After the brutal heading by “Toto” Jansen against Ivan Nincevic, the whole handball world gave their criticism for such act. However, Filip Jicha despite saying that “it is not right what Jansen did and should be punished – I can imagine what happened” gives also other interesting comments on this case.
“Nincevic is not the player that is really beloved in Bundesliga due to his frequent provocations and simulations during games. In my eyes, the simulating is a huge problem in the Bundesliga. There are too many actors, and they don’t get punished for that. I would suggest imposing warning first, and then every simulation to be punished by two-minutes penalty. At the moment the referees whistle too easily, and every slight body contact is prevented.” said Filip Jicha

30. May 2013. at 12:52
Pavel from CZ!
Respect for this comment!!!
Pavel from CZ
30. May 2013. at 10:29
Filip Jicha, from hero to zero in 10 seconds…Filipe, if it was you bleeding on the floor knocked down on the floor without a ball – would you then also talk the same nonsense? Torsten’s act and your supportive comment have nothing to do with this sport, you have lost a good fan or two now!
30. May 2013. at 08:17
The only way to avoid defenses like yours, too violent and protected by the referees, is the simulation. Players like you never you would be so good if the violence is not allowed and Nincevic has to protect himself.
Jos from Netherland
30. May 2013. at 08:15
Wow…to say something like that for a Croat who lost his conciseness and almost eyesight. Mr. Jiha should be punished together with Jensen for “holding a ladder” because his comments will inspire others that “it’s OK” what Jensen did! I am not surprised at all because Czech players are well known to have a “hockey player mindset” in all sports. Nevertheless, Jiha should play fair and talk fair…him and his countrymen could learn a lot from Croats and Croatia’s national team(s).
Dick from Texas
29. May 2013. at 16:11
Well if that’s the case, then your teammate Sprenger should definitely be one of the most regularly suspended players.
29. May 2013. at 14:16
OK, then did not u simulate and wait for the referee decisions in Veszprém Mr. Jicha??????????????????????????????
jesus miguel
29. May 2013. at 11:34
Es interesante esa reflexión viniendo de un jugador en el que en su equipo se encuentran los mejores actores de la bundesliga y del resto de campeonatos europeos