One of the best line player of the last decade in the handball world, Igor Vori (31) talks for about his future in the national team, season with HSV and “lost battle” in Koln at EHF F4 last May…
– I see Olympic Games in London as the TOP of my career. That would be our third OG. Since Portugal, just three or 4 players from my generation stay in the NT. Some days ago, I watched some TV story about London, Olympic village and I said – “You will do everything to be there next summer”, but I don’t want to go there as a tourist. Croatia wants to win medal, all sportsmen want that – admit Vori and add:
– I read an interview with Michael Schumacher. He won everything in FORMULA 1, but he said: “That is ok, but I wish to see the Olympic Games”. When he said that, then…
What is happening with HSV? You are playing bad, THW Kiel has 4 points more…
–Unfortunately, some bad things happened. We change the coach, get new philosophy, most of the players spent 8 years with Schwalb. It was fantastic to work with him, we totally adapt in that system. Now, came a new coach, he changed some principles of our game. After that, we stay without 5 injured players and had to buy some new players. In one moment we stayed without left handed player. At the beginning, we had away matches in Berlin, Mannheim, Kiel won everything and has 4 points more…
We spoke in Koln after F4 matches last May. In that statement you said that “five days celebration” of Bundesliga title on Mayorka 10 days before hasn’t influence on your bad performances at F4. Did you change your opinnion six months later?
– Did I change? Yes, that days of relaxation has impact on our bad performances. We had five days of vacation. Our primary goals for the last season was Bundesliga champions title. Everything else wasn’t important. We lost German Cup also, but nobody told as even a word. Only Bundesliga games were our focus. We had some special pressure from our fans, media, etc. Season before, we had title in our hands, but we lost stupid. When we got title, we stay “empty”. Club has one goal and we done that. However, tomorrow is a new day. I think that we have very good chances to get ticket for F4 in Koln once again. In these two days, everything is possible. You saw Danijel Saric from F.C Barcelona last May. He had 50 saves in two days. Who can guarantee that such a kind of performance can be repeated…