For the first time ever the International Handball Federation will insure all players participating in the Men’s World Championship in Sweden 2011. The IHF signed a policy to provide adequate insurance cover with the renowned insurance company named HIMMELSEHER SPORTVERSICHERUNGEN WELTWEIT. This policy guarantees a complete insurance during the tournament and the preparation time. All participating federations have been informed about the terms and conditions. Furthermore it’s the first time that the IHF will pay a compensation fee to the clubs via the federations for releasing their players for the WCh in Sweden. Including a bonus system as a compensation for training and education, the IHF will spend around CHF 1,206,400 as payment to the clubs. Due to the increased income of TV and marketing rights for the period 2009-2013, the IHF also raised the prize money for the WCh in Sweden to CHF 450,000. Including the prize money, the qualification bonus, the insurance, the host and compensation fee and the bonus system, the IHF spends in total around CHF 4 million for the World Championship in Sweden.
IHF insures all players at World Championship in Sweden
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