Ilic to Rhein-Neckar, Vujin to THW Kiel? | Handball Planet

Ilic to Rhein-Neckar, Vujin to THW Kiel?

Reports say that two big transfers to shake up the Bundesliga this upcoming transfer. Still unofficial, but many rumors say that Momir Ilic is to go to Rhein-Neckar Lowen, while Vujin is to come to THW Kiel. There is apparent initial contacts, but as the Lowen-Manager Torsten Storm says, nothing is yet completed. On the other hand, the former Gummersbach player, has another contract prolonging offer from Kiel, which should keep him in the North-German city until 2013.  This could also mean that Jesper Nielsen is serious about transfering most of the RNL players to Copenhagen, and now starts to look for possible replacements for the “Lions”.

In the meantime, THW Kiel thanks to Momir Ilic and co-mates, managed to save a rather bad season, winning the German cup against Flensburg with 30:24.

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