Voters on International Handball Federation website ( decided that Svetlana Ceca Kitic and Ivano Balic are the Best handball players ever! In ladies competition, former Yugoslav captain, Svetlana Kitic (50), who is now living in Belgrade, where she managing famous HC Radnicki, beated other candidate very convincingly with 84% of all votes. Behind her was Anja Andersen (Denmark) with 14% and less had Waltraud Kretzchmar (Germany) and Sinaida Turtschina (USSR – Ukraine).
In Male competition 11.000 voters gives honour to fantastic Croatian, Ivano Balic (31), who got 48,7% of all votes. Behind him is placed French Superstar, Nikola Karabatic (26) with 33,7% votes, in front of Talant Dushejbaew with 16% of votes.
Congratulations for the Winners.

17. January 2012. at 22:26
ivana uzduvaj ga do kraja da ne nacinalise m najbolji je gruia
25. January 2011. at 15:00
There is only one Ivano Balić! He is the best! Because of him I’m proud to be Croat!