Even 76 goals was seen in the home court of Rhein Neckar Lowen at the game of Round 8 of the EHF Champions League against F.C Barcelona 38:38. In the SAP Arena over 13.500 spectators saw fantastic game, which was end with a Spanish goal in the last moments, what refeeres didn’t recognize. F.C Barcelona made an official protest against these decision.
38 – Rhein Neckar: Szmal (Fritz, m.47); Cupic (5), Stefansson (2), Myrhol (9), Lund (-), Bielecki (3), Gensheimer (15, 5 p.), siete inicial, Schmid (2), Roggisch (-), Sesum (1) y Gunnarsson (1).
38 – Barcelona: Saric (Sjostrand (m. 8 a 17); Rocas (1), Nagy (2), Noddesbo (3), Jernemyr (-), Raúl Entrerríos (6), Ugalde (3) -siete inicial-, Rutenka (2, 1p.) Igropulo (4), Sarmiento (-), Oneto (1), Sorhaindo (2), Iker Romero (10, 6p.), Víctor Tomás (3) y Juanin (1).
1. Kiel* 8 – 12
2. Rhein Neckar Löwen* 8-11
3. Barcelona 8-9
4. Celje PL 8-6
5. Chambery 8-6
6. Kielce 8-4
Group C
Kadetten Schaffhausen : Pick Szeged 31:27 (12:15)
Valladolid : Dinamo Minsk 27:27 (10:14)
AaB Handball : Čehovski medvedi 30:38 (15:19)
1. Čehovski medvedi* 8-13
2. Valladolid* 8-11
3. Pick Szeged 8-8
4. Kadetten Schaffhausen 8-7
5. Dinamo Minsk 8-5
6. AaB Handbold 8-4

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