Blazenko Lackovic had a successful operation on his injured forefinger, and now the timetable for his return shows early January. Contemplating that...
After suffering an injury against Frisch auf Goppingen, HSV Hamburg‘s strongman Blazenko Lackovic suffers yet another injury, this time a fracture on...
In the game against Neuhausen on Wednesday, one of HSV Hamburg’s best this season, Blazenko Lackovic, who got a finger on his...
THW Kiel had their most convincing victory this season in the Bundesliga. Away in Neuhausen, the “Zebras” demolished the team of Neuhausen...
CROATIA – HUNGARY 33:26 (19:14) The defeated teams from the semifinals met for the third place match. Croatia had a tough game...
The Croatians took a very hard victory against Tunisia yesterday, winning the game 25-23, but they had lots of complaints on how...