– I am extremely happy. You can’t cheat Fans.You cant lie them. They are the only measure of quality. I am really happy because of these awards…
You didn’t find a place in the “Best 7” by EHF at the EHF EURO 2012.
– Sincerely, I wasn’t surprise, because I know that this contest is connected with a lot of compensation from the previous tournaments. I knew that, so I didn’t take that so seriosly, as my close friends and people around National Team. They put pressure on me, also a journalists, because I had to speak about that. I became so tired on the end after “Why, why?” questions…
What were your ambitions before Macedonia went to Nis?
– I didn’t even think about a medal. Maybe that was a mistake. Maybe I had to dream more. From time to time, I thought about Olympic qualification, but I also knew that it will be extremely tough to reach that. On the end, this is historical success for Macedonian handball. Behind us are the teams as Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, our rivals for OG qualification. Also we gave a Gold to Denmark – says Kire and reveals what he said to his team-mate, Dane, Nikolaj Markussen:
– I said to him that he needs to give me a half of his premium for the Gold medal. That “unhappy” ball after my shoot gone to their hands, that worth a gold. They were already ready for the trip to Copenhagen.
Now, you have a new goal – London 2012. How big are your chances on the Qual, Tournament in Sweden?
– We are big outsiders. Anyone who says something else, lie. We have to play again more than 100% of our reality, if we want to beat Hungarians or Brazilians. Of course, we will do everything to make success. My team-mates gave the best performances in their careers in Serbia, but now they have obligations to be even better in the future. Now, there is no just Kire. Five or six players can take responsibility, if we want to make some continuity – said Lazarov.