In the repetition of last year’s EHF Champions League final between THW Kiel and F.C Barcelona, spectators on the Baltic Sea and around Europe saw great handball, but also a game without winner. At the end – draw 28:28 (14:10). Absolutely outstanding serie in first half had Thiery Omeyer with 19 (25 at all) saves, followed by the other side magnificent Danijel Saric (22 saves). Marcus Ahlm on the one and Alberto Rocas on other were best scorer with seix goals.
- THW Kiel: Omeyer (1.-60., 25 saves), Palicka (n.e.); Lundström (4), Dragicevic, Sprenger (2), Ahlm (6), Kubes, Reichmann (2), Zeitz (3), Palmarsson (1), Ilic, Klein, Jicha (5/1), Fernandez (5); Trainer: Gislason
- FC Barcelona:Sjöstrand (n.e.), Saric (1.-60., 22 saves); Nöddesbo (3), Garcia (2/2), Entrerrios (2), Sorhaindo (1), Sarmiento (5), Ugalde (4) Romero (1), Nagy (1), Jernemyr, Rutenka, Rocas (6/2), Oneto, Igropulo (2), Saubich (1); Trainer: Pascual
- In second match of group “A”, French Chambery beat Vive Targi Kielce 27:26.
- Celje PL – Rhein Neckar Lowen 28:32 (12:14)
- Standing:
- 1. Rhein Neckar Lowen 2 – 4
2. Kiel 2 – 3
3. Celje PL 2-2
4. Chambery 2-2
5. Barcelona 2-1
6. Kielce 2-0

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