The qualifying for the WC 2011 in Brazil has been easy for some teams, but in the match Germany-Hungary we’ve seen a real battle, and even more interesting should be the second leg, when we will find out which team will go to Brazil, and which one is out of the elite.
In the first game, Germany won with 26:24 at home, after losing 11:12 at half time, but the winner is far from known. The return-game is played at the Gyor arena, which is considered a “hell” one. Heine Jensen, Germany’s coach, also conceded that the two goals mean nothing in handball, and that the team must go for the victory in Hungary, and not “defend” the 2 goals positive. Germany’s most efficient were Sabrina Richter and Nadja Nadgornaja, followed by Nadine Krause. Also notable was the comeback of Stephanie Mellbeck after two-years not playing for the national team.
In yesterday’s games, France beat Slovenia at home with 28:19, and seems certain to play in Brazil, and the same goes for Iceland and Croatia, as they beat Ukraine with 37:18 and Serbia 36:25 respectively.
Foto: EPA