Marin Sego to Vive Targi Kielce | Handball Planet
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Marin Sego to Vive Targi Kielce

Croatian goalkeeper Marin Sego (29) has decided to stay in Poland, but also to change the team for the next season. Orlen Wisla Plock lost another battle to save important member of the squad against the biggest rival Vive Targi Kielce. The third team of EHF CL last season has signed three years contract with Sego, who is in the second-last year of the contract in Plock.

Sego has played for RK C.O Zagreb before Poland. He was member of Croatian NT squad only at WCh 2011 in Sweden. He isn’t in plans of Slavko Goluza since then…



  1. annonym

    11. February 2014. at 21:30

    Jurkiewicz dont leave Wisla. Kielce fans talk this stupid information but is not true.

  2. jack

    11. February 2014. at 14:23

    Christoper, the answer is M. Jurkiewicz.
    Greetings from Kielce.

  3. Janus

    10. February 2014. at 17:24

    I agree. But man he is good 🙂

  4. Christoper

    10. February 2014. at 13:11

    First Nenadić now Sego is leaving the club. Who’s gonna be next? Wisla wake up, please!

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