Hungarian Gyor will have to find adequate replacement for Andrea Lekic and Jovanka Radicevic, who signed contract with Macedonian team – ZRK Vardar SCBT Skopje. Ambitious team from Macedonian capital has powerfull sponsor who wants TOP handball in “Boris Trajkovski” hall from the next season. After Julija Nikolic, duo from Hungarian TOP team have signed contract and that means battle for Women’s EHF CL TOP 8 next season…
– I am very proud to become a part of new Vardar’s project. This is real challenge for me. I hope that we will have great results in the first year and improve level of Macedonian women’s handball, just as 10 years ago – said Andrea Lekic after contract signing.
– I enjoy in new challenges in sports, I always like to try something new. Vardar has huge ambitions, I want to be a part of that, to show what I know and succeed – concluded Radicevic.

30. July 2013. at 22:34
Pingback: Claudine Mendy to ZRK Vardar SCBT! | Handball Planet
24. February 2013. at 11:04
Welcome to Skopje ladies, you wont regret your decision :]
20. February 2013. at 10:14
Why not, both of them will feel as playing at home.
It is stupid questioning about making good or wrong decisions. Everyone will accept good contract 🙂
Pingback: Amandine Leynaud joins ZRK Vardar! | Handball Planet
9. February 2013. at 14:58
Very stupid decision by those two players.i feel sorry for Radičević cause she deserves better club and serious club as a best right wing.For Lekić I am not surprise cause she is only for clubs like this where she can do whatever she wants and they will never win anything
5. February 2013. at 03:44
What was wrong here ???? Vardar is making superstrong team for the next season and they would be part of a team that is contender for a champions league trophy !
4. February 2013. at 11:18
Lekic & Radičević,
Wrong decision professionally. Financially secure good. Was it worth it??? I’m sorry it went so young deduced