Barca CHAMPIONS 12th time!

FC Barcelona are at the TOP of the European handball for 12th time. The most successful team in the handball history, once again, conquer the continent by beating Danish champions Aalborg Handbold 31:30 (15:15) at the final of the EHF Champions League Final4 2o24 in Cologne. For the fifht time since establishing Final4 at Lanxess Arena, Barca won the final in front of 20.000 fans.
In very intensive match, Mikkel Hansen had a chance to take match to penalty shootout from 9-meter throw in the last second, but he hit the post when big celebration could start.
Mikkel Hansen on one, and Melvyn Richardson on other side where TOP scorers with eight goals.
Barca’s coach Antonio Carlos Ortega became the first man in handball with eight title of the EHF CL winner, six as a player and now two as c head-coach.

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