Bonaventura show at Poland VS Russia match – Red card and four steps in last 15 seconds

Match between Poland and Russia 29:29 had the biggest stars in French referees sisters Bonaventura and Slovakian delegate Rancik. Firstly, on his sign, French referees sent off Russian head-coach Velimir Petkovic 17 seconds before the buzzer during the last Polish attack.
Petkovic stepped in the court for some cm, but without any influence on the game.
After Poles scored the goal for 29:28, Russians had three seconds for equalizer. Left back Kosorotov scored the goal from 15 meters distance but after four steps…
Kosorotov (with 4 steps) with the 15 meters buzzerbeater!
🎥: TV2 Sport/EHF#handball #ehfeuro20222— Rasmus Boysen (@RasmusBoysen92) January 23, 2022