Yet one of the profiles in Randers HK has chosen to extend his contract and help to continue the positive development of the club. The Brazilian goalkeeper Chana Masson (32), who has been a safe and stable last redoubt in Randers HK in recent seasons, will continue in Randers HK for two more seasons.
– I am very happy. When I came to Randers I had some dreams, and together with the team, many of the dreams already fulfilled. We have worked hard and have grown together as a team, “said Chana Masson, who last season became the league’s second best goalkeeper and now strive to go one step higher.
She has previously played for six other clubs, but now it’s over with club switches.
– I feel Randers is my place. I need the trust and confidence and I feel the team respect me and trust me and want me to continue. People mean a lot to me, explains Chana Masson, who after a couple years of voluntary break is back on the Brazilian national team and was recently voted the best keeper in a tournament in Holland.