An all-Catalonian final will be played at the Copa del Rey in Pamplona this year after the semifinals saw Barcelona cruising past Anaitasuna with 36:28 (Lazarov scored 7 goals), while Granollers’ game against BM Huesca was much more exciting and produced a real thriller in the end, ultimately won by Granollers with 26:25 after trailing at half time with 12:13. Alvaro Ruiz led the Granollers side with 7 goals, three from penalties. The final is to be played today at 17:00. Barcelona are huge favorites to win the final, and therefore secure the double-crown in Spain. At the Final Four in Cologne, Barcelona is facing a much more serious challenge, Flensburg-Handewitt from Germany.
28 ANAITASUNA: Capón (Santana, ps); Garza (-), Etxeberria (2), Meoki (3), Nadoveza (7, 2p), Borragán (4), Goñi (1p) -siete inicial-, Bernatonis (5), Cristian Martínez (-), Reig (1), Montávez (-), Kisselev (1), Chocarro (3, 1p), Iker Antonio (1) and Gastón (-).
36 BARCELONA: Saric (Robin, ps); Víctor Tomás (4), Raúl Entrerríos (1), Sorhaindo (5), Bengoechea (1), Rutenka (4), Lazarov (7, 3p) -siete inicial-, Noddesbo (3), Juanín (1), Sarmiento (5), Gurbindo (3), Virán Morros (1), Karabatic (-) and Saubich (1).