In the battle of two vice-champions (Croatia and Slovenia) at Kanjiza Cup 2014, Gorenje beat Nexe 28:26 (15:14). Slovenian team secured the first points in interesting finish, but the first place in the group will be decided after match between Nexe and PICK Szeged.
GORENJE – NEXE 28:26 (15:14)
GORENJE: Cehte 1, Medved 3, S. Buric 3, Skube 4 (1), Golcar 4, Sostaric 4, Papez, Dobolsek 1, Gams 3, Nosan, Dujmovic 1 (1), Beciri, Klec 1, Ciba 3, Spende, Bozovic, B. Buric (7 saves), Klemen, Zaponsek (6 saves).
NEXE: Eter 2, Crnic, Mrdjenovic 2, Vesligaj, Tomas, Krvzic 2, Jurjevic 2, Sokolic 2, Gadza 3, Bozic Pavletic, Sakic 3, Dundovic, Vegar 4, Nuic 6 (4), Herceg, Celebi 3, Lelic (4 saves), Vesligaj, Juzbasic (6 saves).