A huge story coming from Skopje, where Youth World Handball Championship 2019 has played in the last two weeks. The famous person for match-fixing, controversial Macedonian manager Velibor Dzarovski, who was in prison in 80’s when he was accused for 22 matches of Yugoslav football league, stated for Serbian alo.rs that he “earned 13.000 EUR on fixed match of the Youth handball Championship”:
- I am still fixing matches, why you are surprised? That is my life, my passion, my profession. Before I was taking a lot of money, now less. Two weeks ago I earned 13.000 EUR in one betting place. They didn’t let me to put more money as that was handball match of Youth WCh in Skopje. It’s always easy to fix match in sport which doesn’t attract a lot of attention. Media doesn’t make stories when some surprises happening – said Dzarovski for alo.rs
Egypt won the gold medal at Youth World Championship 2019 in Skopje.

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