HSV made a great step towards winning the most important trophy in handball – EHF Champions League. Polish right back, Marcin Lijewski (37) was one of the key player, despite he was without substitution and played injured in the last part of the match. Last 60 minutes waiting for the history…
– Although we scored 39 goals tonight, I think that our strong defence was a decisive factor tonight. We stopped their key players during the first half and then it was much easier to play. I have two injuries, right knee and a muscle on my left leg, but I will definitely play tomorrow. We will try to get some rest tonight and to prepare for the final tomorrow – says Lijewski.

2. June 2013. at 09:00
Lijek is such a strong player. Despite his injuries and age (37 y.o) he’s still one of the best right back of the decade.