Russian star Pavel Atman sent farewell message to RK Metalurg fans via Facebook in which he explained reasons for leaving Skopje:
– Dear friends, I would like to show enormous gratitude for your support in previous period in which I played here. Here I had unforgetable moments last season, when we made fantastic success by qualifing in EHF CL TOP 8 and winning title ahead of Vardar. Beside all of these things, you probably know that I have to leave Skopje because I didn’t get any salary from the club or realising paper, and as a father and husband, I have to take responsibilty for my family. That’s why I will back to my home country. I want to say hello to all of you. Macedonia will alway stay in my memory – wrote Atman.
Russian left back, who was linked with a move to MKB MVM Veszprem from the next summer, waiting for the “papers” from Skopje to become a free agent.