It was Hamlet that said “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” and it is also the case in recent days, but nobody would suspect that there was any reason for unrest in the “Hearth of Handball” in the aftermath of the EHF Euro and the World championship; all crowned with medals.
As reported by the Danish media, the newly installed Sports manager at the Danish Handball Federation (DHF) Ulrik Wilbek is now trying to dampen the situation in the women’s national team camp, after the last few days of internal turmoil.
As the Danish media, most notably BT ( report on Monday, several prominent players on the women’s national team have criticized the style of play coach Jan Pytlick used during the World Cup in Serbia. It was also reported that it had gotten to a stage when the players want Pytlick fired. says that Danish national team coach Jan Pytlick is believed to have heard nothing about the unrest among the players that won the bronze medal at the World championship in Serbia last December.
Since neither Wilbek nor Pytlick are in control of the situation, there’s a likelihood that the DHF governing body is going to be included in solving the situation.
As per it is understood that the DHF Secretery-general Morten Stig Christensen has Jan Pytlick’s job under revision, but silence from the DHF and lack of any official statement means that the federation is currently in support of the under-fire coach.
Ulrik Wilbek wasn’t as tight lipped about the situation, and the Sports manager did not hide the uncertainty about Pytlick’s job in the future.
“It may well be, that Jan Pytlick gets fired at some point, but right now there are no plans to fire him”, said Wilbek .
Danish national team players have reportedly held an internal meeting with the DHF governing body, and the dismissal of Pytlick was discussed- according to BT.
Nevertheless, none of the national team players would confirm to that such a discussion had taken place between the players and the DHF.
It is understood that the meeting between Jan Pytlick, his assistant coach Ulrik Kirkely and the National team Sports manager Ulrik Wilbek would be held his week. There are no guarantees that anything will be decided at the meeting, as it is only an evaluation; Although it is certain that the conclusions made will help, when another evaluation meeting takes place in March, when the national team players will also participate.