SCANDI STYLE: Magnus Dahl to end career at age 29 | Handball Planet
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SCANDI STYLE: Magnus Dahl to end career at age 29

The Norwegian goalkeeper Magnus Dahl announced retirement at the end of current season 2016/2017. In age 29, the member of Danish team Skjern will move back to his country with the family, where planning to find proper job based on his formal education:

– Some might think that I will stop at too young an age, but I have come to a point where I am more and more think about life after handball. Now I initially complete studies, and then waiting some very exciting job opportunities, says Dahl.

Dahl has great experience of playing for TOP teams in various countries. He played at Paris Handball, BM Atlético Madrid, HSG Wetzlar, IFK Kristianstad and Skjern.

– It has been an incredibly exciting journey with many highlights. When I look back, I feel privileged because I have been able to live my dream handball out for some fantastic clubs. At the same time I have played with and against many of the world’s best players. I’ve met a lot of interesting people through my sports career and is grateful to those who made it possible, says Dahl, writes official website of the club.

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