Rhein Neckar Lowen beat IFK Kristianstad in the Round 4 of the VELUX EHF Champions League. However, at the end, even the biggest Lowen’s fans couldn’t enjoy in victory after all what have been seen in the last 84 seconds of the clash with Swedish team.
Exactly 84 seconds lasted the last attack of the home team! The “Orange boys” netted for 30:29 at 58.35, when Montenegrian refferes Pavicevic and Raznatovic whistled for their goal.
On 59:02, Rhein Neckar Lowen coach Nikolaj Jakobsen called for time-out, before 58 seconds in which “Lions” didn’t even shot in situation of player less on the court.
Referees gave signal for a passive play only 14 seconds before the final whistle. Andy Schmid used “stupidity” of new rules and came twice in contact-foul with defensive players after only two passes of his line-player. Time is up…
Attack could last 15-20 seconds more until 6 passes.
Shameful for serious sport.
DK Ref Kris
14. October 2016. at 09:11
It’s quite common, in professionel handball which include the team timeout that a team can play so much out of the time. The question is if the refs should have marked passive play already before, the mark for team timeout. Then the situation would be quit different.
14. October 2016. at 08:53
3attacks after injuries is a good rule and they should start a shoot clock in handball as in Baskeball to speed up the attacks. Reg the RNL vs. Kristianstad it was really poor judgment from the referees which tend to be standard in handball when bigger teams meet less well know teams. I would say that this is a sports problem in general but Handball seams to be a bit Donald duck sport some times in terms of politics and rulings.
13. October 2016. at 21:29
From my point of view it was a referee mistake not a problem of the rule. they had to raise the hand before and it isnt compulsory to wait 6 passes for giving a passive foul, if they dont attack they could give also the foul although they dont finish the sixth pass.
Remember that this situation could happen in the same way with the former rule. Formerly a play almost last forever if referees consider that team was trying to attack. At least, we already know that after 6 passes is foul. it is a small advance although they should reduce the numbers passes maybe 4 is enough.
In relation about the rest of rules, I disagree with 7 seven players rule and three attacks after a injury is stupid
13. October 2016. at 14:50
I dont like new rules , passive play , 7 players in attacks , non resin …