Experienced line-player from Fuchse Berlin, Torsten Laen (34) will play for KIF Kolding Copenhagen in the upcoming season, according to Danish media. KIF lost the championship battle against Aalborg a few days ago, but ambitious management is ready to invest more to get the better results in Denmark, but also on European level…
Torsten Laen to KIF Kolding?
Posted on
1. June 2013. at 12:17
I don’t understand the way Kolding has takken. They have a great budget and they always spend their money in too old players………….Boldsen, Jorgensen, Kasper, Losert, Boesen, etc are, in my opinión, very old players. Andersson is 32 too and now they sign Torsten Laen, who is 34…………Where is the current and future perspective of the manager of Kolding…………a lot of Money and very bad result, Who will change this? I think this is not the good way.