Vive Targi Kielce crushed Wisla Plock in the second game for the Polish Champions title. Hosts won 36:25 and now they needs only one more victory against Oilers to reach preseason assumptions. Once again, the beginning of the Holy War didn’t look impressive. Both teams made mistakes, but better in the first minutes were Wisła’s players, leading even 8:4 in the thirteenth minute. Then hosts back into the game, ruthlessly using double penalty of rivals. They were able to bring the result of 9:8, and since then the game has become very equal. Good game of Kielce’s second line gives them a 17:14 lead after the first half. The second part of the meeting completely belonged to the Polish champions. In 35th minute really spectacular goal was scored by Manuel Strlek, who may include his entire performance as successful (7 goals). Wisła was trying to catch up with rivals, but Iskra was unstoppable. Great game of Grzegorz Tkaczyk (6) and Michał Jurecki (7) helped their team achieve another high winning. Top scorers for guests were Adam Wiśniewski (5) and Michał Kubisztal (4).
Now the rivalry moves to Płock and although Vive leads 2:0 anything can happen, because so far in the battle between these two teams, advantage of own hall was visible. Next week we will see if it’s still relevant.
TEXT: Ida Baran

21. May 2013. at 18:11
congratulation for you for use the traditional name of polish team from Kielce – Iskra
21. May 2013. at 16:43
‘Iskra was unstoppable’ I na parkiecie, i na trybunach 😉
20. May 2013. at 06:11