After 1287 days, Pick Szeged beats Veszprem! | Handball Planet
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After 1287 days, Pick Szeged beats Veszprem!

In the Hungarian derby, which was beginning to be forgotten due to the fact that Veszprem managed to be undefeated in the derbies against Pick, the home side finally made what everyone in Szeged expected. They beat the champions and rival, Veszprem with 24:23. The faithful Szeged crowd could finally rejoice the victory, but only in the second half, as the first half was won by Veszprem with 13:11. But then, Budai, Prodanovic and Pribanic woke up, and a major part of the victory goes to the goalkeeper Tatai with 19 saves…

Pick Szeged-MKB Veszprém 24-23 (11-13)
Budapest Bank férfi kézilabdaliga. Szeged, -Attendance: – 3000
Pick Szeged: Mikler (1 save) – NAGY N. 3, LÉKAI 5 BUDAY 7, ZUBAI 3, Sulc 2, Vadkerti 1.: TATAI (19 saves), CZINA, Bajorhegyi 1, Prodanovics 1, Gidai, Pribanic 1. Coach: Skaliczki László.
MKB Veszprém: ALILOVIC – Iváncsik T. 1, Sulic 3, Laluska 1, Ilyés, Terzic, Iváncsik G. 2 VUJIN 6, Császár 1, PÉREZ 7, Vilovszki, Gulyás, Korazija 1. Coach: Mocsai Lajos.

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