BSV Silkeborg sack coach Claus Uhrenholt | Handball Planet
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BSV Silkeborg sack coach Claus Uhrenholt

One of the best Danish teams BSV Silkeborg sack head-coach Claus Uhrenholt and his assistant Bo Tolstrup. The eighth place at the league table of the Danis championshiop, obviously isn’t impressive effort for the club’s management, who decided to made this kind of decision:

– It is with great regret that we have made ​​this decision Claus and Bo has done a great deal for the club. Unfortunately, the results of this season not been as desired . This is not only Claus and Bos responsibility , but something that all of us around the team and the squad also has a responsibility. We thank the two coaches for a great and wholehearted efforts and wish them the best for the future – said CEO Frank Lajer.

Bjerringbro – Silkeborg expects to announce a new interim coach for the for the rest of the season in a few days. Until then sports director Carsten Albrektsen wil work with the team. From the next summer Peter Bredsdorff-Larsen taking charge, writes HBOLD.DK.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jensen

    27. November 2013. at 00:46

    Clubs here in Denmark is managed like kindergardens.
    We need to step up to a professional level in all aspects.

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