DANIELA PIEDADE - "A brave woman and a born winner" | Handball Planet
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DANIELA PIEDADE – “A brave woman and a born winner”

In January she was given the “green light” to return to court after the apoplexy which she received on one of the warm-up matches for Ljubljana Krim, and already in December she went on to have the golden medal around her neck – World Champion 2013. The story of Brazilian hero Daniela Piedade is one of the strongest in the history of handball. Brave girl, managed not only to get back to daily life, but to go back to top handball too. The prize came along – the title of world champion with Brazil. Nomination for HANDBALL PERSON OF THE YEAR 2013 is just a logical conclusion of the movie story…


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  1. Keka

    4. February 2014. at 13:31

    Dani Guerreira Piedade esse é o nome,exemplo de superação,deu nome e projetou o handebol brasileiro la fora,obrigada por tudo Dani,vc merece cada conquista!!

  2. Selma Mendes

    3. February 2014. at 18:14

    Vai Dani!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Elvira

    3. February 2014. at 13:17

    Dani exemplo de superação, guerreira, joga muito é parceira. bjos.

  4. Lucila Piedade Cesta

    3. February 2014. at 13:01

    exemplo de garra e superação projetou o Brasil lá fora

  5. francisco José Cesta

    3. February 2014. at 12:59

    coragem , força , garra fizeram dela uma campeã

  6. Lucila Piedade Cesta

    3. February 2014. at 12:55

    Dani exemplo de garra e superação soube projetar o Brasil lá fora

  7. simone

    3. February 2014. at 12:54

    Estou na torcida por você !

  8. Laura

    1. February 2014. at 02:21

    A story of determination, overcoming and passion. Well worth nomination for this #Guerreira!

  9. alessandra dutra

    31. January 2014. at 04:36

    A Dani é uma das personalidades mais especiais que existem. É ela pessoal.

  10. Valter Sugarava

    31. January 2014. at 01:56

    Uma heroína brasileira!

  11. Rubens

    31. January 2014. at 00:22

    Daniela exemplo de superação

  12. Anonymous

    31. January 2014. at 00:07

    Raça,garra,determinação e vitorias,estas palavras definem quem é Dani piedade

  13. Ailton Foresto

    31. January 2014. at 00:03

    Parabéns Dani.

  14. Valeria Gama

    31. January 2014. at 00:02

    Bemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Dani!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Tapetti

    30. January 2014. at 23:05

    Desde pequena sempre muita garra…..

  16. Anna lydia

    30. January 2014. at 20:51

    Daniela is the best handball´s player

  17. Anna lydia

    30. January 2014. at 20:50

    She is the best athlete of 2013 and play handball very,very well

  18. JMarques

    30. January 2014. at 16:53

    Dani Guerreira!

  19. teresa marques

    30. January 2014. at 16:43

    Joga muito!!!!

  20. ZN Handebol

    30. January 2014. at 14:24


  21. paulo

    30. January 2014. at 12:55

    joga muito

  22. paulo

    30. January 2014. at 12:55

    isso dani joga muito

  23. Paulo Geraldini

    30. January 2014. at 12:34

    Daniela is relentless, she is an example of athete and focus.
    #raçaBrasil !!


    30. January 2014. at 11:50

    Joga Muito… Mais Que Merecido…

  25. Tathy

    30. January 2014. at 10:25

    Parabéns Dani Piedade!

  26. Patrick

    30. January 2014. at 10:25

    Exemplo de superação…Joga muito!! Parabéns Dani Piedade!

  27. Fran

    30. January 2014. at 10:20

    Sou fã!!! Bj


    30. January 2014. at 01:50

    eu apoio esta atleta.

  29. Luis Henrique r santos

    30. January 2014. at 01:16

    Joga Muito!!!!

  30. ELAINE

    30. January 2014. at 00:35

    Vai com tudo Compis!!!!! Beeeijo

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