Didier Dinart announced squad for the upcoming Men’s EHF EURO 2018 in Croatia. Luka Karabatic left the squad after injury at the start of Golden league tournament while Benjamin Afgour overtook his place in the roster. In total, 16 players and two substitutions will be ready for the upcoming event which start on January 12 will clash in Porec against Norway.
French squad for EHF EURO 2018:
Goalkeepers : Vincent Gérard, Cyril Dumoulin
Left wings : Michaël Guigou, Raphaël Caucheteux
Left back : Timothey N’Guessan
Playmakers : Nikola Karabatic, Kentin Mahé, Nicolas Claire
Right back: Nédim Rémili, Valentin Porte, Dika Mem, Adrien Dipanda
Right wings: Luc Abalo
Line-players : Benjamin Afgour, Nicolas Tournat, Cédric Sorhaindo
Reserves: Luka Karabatic, Romain Lagarde