Germany – Capo Verde 10:0
The International Handball Federation (IHF) has been informed today that two positive cases have been recorded in the delegation of Cape Verde. The players concerned have been immediately isolated according to the Egypt 2021 COVID-19 Medical Precaution Plan.
The Handball Federation of Cape Verde has informed the IHF that both players tested positive already in the beginning of January but have tested negative before travelling to Egypt, providing the test certificates as proof.
Nevertheless, due to the positive results from yesterday’s PCR test, the two individuals are not eligible to play until two negative PCR tests results have been issued, taking into consideration that the period between the two tests must be 48 hours.
In accordance with Article F 7. c of the Egypt 2021 COVID-19-Related Regulations, each team needs to have a minimum of 10 players including one goalkeeper. Due to the fact that at the moment only 11 players of the Cape Verdean team are in Egypt, two of which tested positive, they currently do not fulfil this condition to compete.
In case the team of Cape Verde will not meet the provisions mentioned in the regulations, the match between Cape Verde and Germany on 17 January 2021 will be cancelled, with Germany automatically winning the match 10:0, claiming two points as per Article F 7. d of the Egypt 2021 COVID-19-Related Regulations.
In accordance with the Egypt 2021 COVID-19-Related Regulations, missing three matches will lead to an exclusion from the competition.
Moreover, further players from the provisional list can be added to the team, according to the Egypt 2021 COVID-19-Related Regulations, provided they can present a negative PCR test to enter into Egypt. These additional players need to carry out a PCR test upon arrival and will be isolated until the results are known.
The remaining team members tested negative must carry out an additional PCR test today. Those team members do not have to be isolated. However, they are not allowed to be in contact with other teams, delegations and the IHF at any time.
PHOTO: Egypt 2021 / IHF