Since Andrea Lekic has announced that she will leave Gyor from the next summer in direction Skopje, media speculation began about the girl who will fill that empty space in Hungarian “dream team”. Two names are the most used in rumours – Camila Dalby and Katarina Bulatovic (right on photo). Danish star Dalby is on the end of the contract with Danish TOP team Randers HK. Danish and Hungarian media write about his transfer to Hungary as something what is already finished, but there is no official statement from any side. Second option is probably the best world’s player in 2012, Montenegrian star Katarina Bulatovic, who playing in Oltchim Valcea. It’s not a secret that Romanian team has problem with finance since the start of the season. Bulatovic is probably the most payed player in the world (some speculation going up to 17.000 EURO per month) and that is something what Romanian TOP team can’t afford in current situation. Some media talking about the defeat in the EHF CL TOP 8 against FTC as consequence of poor moment in Romanian team…
Gyor is one of the teams who can pay a lot of money and attract world’s star with club’s infrastracture and ambition. Dalby and Bulatovic are TOP names. Hopefully, we will soon find out who is the new member of succesful Hungarian team…