In his interview for, THW Kiel’s right back Marko Vujin spoke about rivals at the final stage of the VELUX EHF Champions League. Kiel will face MKB Veszprem twice in the battle for F4 in Cologne. Serbian left-hander has played for Hungarian champion seven years before his transfer to Germany last summer.
– We didn’t speak about that, but we wanted to avoid Veszprem as a rival in this stage. There is a different mentality in Germany. No matter who is the next rival, which just talking about what we have to do.
The most interesting part of conversation was connected with the possible most desired rival on the road to Cologne:
– I wanted Kielce, because they aren’t among the strongest teams or Hamburg, our neighborhood. The irony is that the F4 team will be Kielce or Metalurg Skopje, although none of them ripe for the Champions League final. It breaks my heart because Kiel or Veszprem must say goodbye…
Which are the strongest team in Europe in this moment?
– Veszprem, Kiel, Barcelona and the fourth, Hamburg or Flensburg.

3. June 2013. at 11:09
Yeah! You have just showed in Final 4 that your Kiel is better. Hahaha
3. June 2013. at 11:06
Mr Vujin. Who was better in Final 4 then? Kielce or THW Kiel?
3. June 2013. at 11:02
hi! After the Kielce-THW Kiel game in Final4 Vujin’s opinion about Kielce not deserving Final4 sounds silly isn’t it? In fact after the game I would say that Vujin himself didn’t deserve to play at F4.
2. June 2013. at 20:56
28. May 2013. at 21:08
Vujin nie wie co mówi,kielce mają świetny zespół,i jest znakomicie gotowe na f4,grają świetnie w obronie i mają zawodników którzy na boisku wylewają ostatnie poty po to żeby wygrać mecz, nie zwracając uwagi z kim grają.Są w stanie wygrać z Kiel i BArcelona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. May 2013. at 17:14
Vujin just said what majority of Europe thinks. Both of those teams were lucky to not get hard opponent during earlier stage. But as a player Vujin should not say something like that. I agree with his opinion but i disagree that he published it.
28. April 2013. at 21:31
Dostaną wpier*ol w Kolonii i się skończy
28. April 2013. at 08:01
And does Kiel deserve to be in Cologne?I am just asking it…
27. April 2013. at 17:58
you all haters of Vujin should think what goals and objectives did YOU achieve..U can compare, and give some serious complaints about him, as soon as u reach his poor
wicked games
19. April 2013. at 20:19
hellooooo mr. SUPERSTUPYD who are you to say about F4
it wiil be best 4 and I houp there will not a KIEL and u are not a player for kiel you must play only for your partizan
18. April 2013. at 06:28
It is stupid mistake, no player have right to tell public which club deserve to play F4, If they get there they deserve it..
Please Marko be gentelmen. Dont be spoiled.
p.s. Ofcourse you have right of your on opinion.
14. April 2013. at 15:01
I’m a bit surprised by Vujin. Kielce is potentially one of the best team of Europe. Even if they met difficulties when they played against Szeged they have an impressive team with superstars. I think as soon as they will get back Cupic and Strelek they’ll really have their chance to win the Champion’s League. I think they lack a bit of experience because sometimes they can do stupid mistakes. But anyway Kielce is a super team which really has his chances to do something in Final Four
14. April 2013. at 06:10
Co znaczy stwierdzenie, że Vive nie dojrzało do Final4?
Ma zawodników, którzy do tego dojrzeli i jak widać dobrze im to wychodzi.
Vive będzie w Final4 i sporo namiesza 🙂
Pozdrowienia dla “Wielkiej Gwiazdy” Marko Vujina.
9. April 2013. at 11:39
We will see Mister Superstar, who is best in F4. Kielce!!!
6. April 2013. at 20:23
Gentlemen, Marko knows what he is talking about..If you are objective then you do not have to question his talent as he is an exceptional shooter but having still some to learn in defense..He did not say any rude things about these 2 teams.He is sad because he likes Veszprém too..Please do not tell me as the sport is like that..It is getting to be enough as the draws are always coordinated…But anyway good luck for Kielce or Metalurg, but i am sorry guys Veszprém or Kiel should be in the final4 instead of them!!!
kamil (pol)
6. April 2013. at 14:42
Marko like Veszprem. Kielce have good team ( first 7 and second 7, everyone player is good ) Metalurg have super trener – Lino cervar
6. April 2013. at 13:12
Very very bad, Mr Vujin………….what do you imagine you are? After to write your opinion I think your mind is a very low level so you understand nothing about handball…………You are only an arm, no more.
3. April 2013. at 19:58
Hahaha Mr Vujin…do You know what the sport is? Maby we shouldn’t play gruop phase in next year in CL? Play just F4, adn superstar Marko chose the teams:)
3. April 2013. at 14:35
Marko probably hurt because macedonian handball is on a different level than sebian ! u can only learn from us ! maybe u are not a player for kiel ( what u are showing also with the games for Serbian national team ) but u are there 🙂
3. April 2013. at 13:35
I very like Kiel but i hate Vujin. He probably doesn;t know that with Anderson this team was better than with him. He can;t play and he can;t use brain. He schould train and stop talking about things that are too difficult for him.