The fourth summer in a row Makarska riviera (Croatia) will be the most important place for handball goalkeepers on the Planet! The fourth handball goalkeeper’s camp will be organised between 18 and 24 of June. The worldwide known handball names as promoters and coaches from one, and young goalkeepers from other side, will work in fantastic atmosphere of beautiful Adriatic coast:
– We will keep the highest level of organization and standards, which we set in the last three years. Perfect condition for work and practice of young goalkeepers, accomodation and hall will be on the highest possible level.
It is tough to even remember on all big names which have been in Makarska in the last three seasons of the Camp. Thierry Omeyer, Kasper Hvidt, Dejan Peric, Mirko Alilovic, Mirko Basic, Marin Sego, Nikola Blazicko, Enid Tahirovic, Abas Arslanagic, Dragan Jerkovic, Vladimir Vujovic, proffesor Nenad Rogulj and the others worked with the youngstars from many countries. The most interesting names among the “pupils” where Swedish goalkeeper Mikael Apelgreen from MT Melsungen, or Benjamin Buric, who three years after playing at RK Gorenje Velenje.
– Receipt is well known. Young goalkeepers will have a chance to work with their idols – says Mario Caljkusic, co-founder of the whole project, who are based in touristic season, which makes the whole project even more attractive. Sea, sun and a lot of TOP handball lessons.