Playmaker of Slovenia and Celje Pivovarna Lasko, who had best time in career as a player of Ciudad Real where he won two CL titles, Uros Zorman (30) is on the way to Bundesliga. Rumuors about “indecent proposal” for Zorman from Rhein Neckar Lowen (THW Kiel and TBV Lemgo are also interested) are intensified in last few days, expecially after an argument between him and Celje PL coach, Zvonimir Serdarusic during EHF CL match in Barcelona (Celje PL lost 33:44). Unsatisfied with role of Zorman, Serdarusic pulled him from the field in the 16th minute and not returned to the end. After match, Serdarusic admitted that something happened, but wasn’t accurate.

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