“A big mess” is the best explanation of handball in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Talented nation for handball, home of some Champions Cup winners like RK Borac Banja Luka or birthplace of one of the best female player in the history of our game – Svetlana Ceca Kitic, suffering from lack of organization on all the levels.
Handball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina doesn’t exist practically. An organization which led handball in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1994 wasn’t initially legal, after many years ended with debt which is around 1.7-1.8 mil EUR. At the end of story, two constitutive elements of Federation, Bosnian-Croatian federation and Republika Srpska federation made a legal Federation during 2017, who didn’t get a tax ID number from the State.
That means that all possible financial incomes are blocked as State doesn’t want to give a green-light for work until the previous debt doesn’t be covered.
The secretary general of Federation, Lejla Hairlahovic, resigned with an open-letter on Facebook, while the European Handball Federation announced suspension if situation doesn’t change until August 20.
That could put out Bosnian national team from the Men’s EHF EURO 2020 qualification process, but also clubs from European Cup competitions.
For the beginning, there are some voices that General Assembly will be organized in next few days.

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