SG Flensburg Handewitt coach Maik Machulla was dissatisfied with the performance of the Montenegrian referees Raznatovic-Pavicevic at the match in Skopje, where German team lost against RK Vardar 31:26.
- Congratulations to Vardar on victory. I am not satisfied with all we shown, especially in the first 15 minutes. We didn’t have creativity in attack. Until the end of the match, we have been batter, we have found solutions in attack, but defense wasn’t good. I usually don’t speak about referees, but this time I have to. All what we have seen tonight is not fair. All people could see what happened, and I think it is clear to all of them that we couldn’t play fair match because of refereeing. Apart of defeat, bad news for my team is two injured players, it’s not good – said Machulla.