In a thrilling match, Netherlands booked a place in the semifinals, their fourth consecutive in a big tournament, after beating the Czech...
The Czech Republic has added yet another brilliant achievement on this World Championship after defeating Romania in the eight finals in Leipzig...
Sweden defeated Argentina 38-24 and secured a place in the eight finals with three victories in the group. Norway continue to outplay...
When Sweden and Czech Republic took the court this afternoon in Bietigheim a tremendous fight was expected. And the teams did not...
Czech Republic overcomes a troublesome first half and obtains a well worked victory for 25-29 against powerful Poland. At the beginning of...
On the match of the day in group B in Beitigheim, Norway took a clear victory against Hungary. Poland certifies that the...
After the first leg of the playoffs, Serbia was touted as one of the teams that were almost certainly qualified to the...
After the disastrous performance on last weekend against Serbia in Nis, Czech Republic now needs a miracle in order to qualify for...
Filip Jicha didn’t help his team-mates to avoid defeat in the first match of the WCh 2015 Play-Off in Serbia 23:15. Hall...
The size of Czech Republic disaster in the first match of the World Champioship 2015 Play-Off against Serbia 23:15 (13:6) becoming even...